Pets for Patriots Vehicle Donation Program

Donate your vehicle to Pets for Patriots to help veterans and animals in need! You can donate almost any type of vehicle - in any condition and from any location - and get a tax deduction.

Give an old or extra vehicle new life by turning it into the resources Pets for Patriots needs to fund our lifesaving work. Your vehicle donation will help veterans find a new best friend while giving the most overlooked shelter animals hope and a home.

Donate your vehicle and make a difference today by calling 877-904-PETS (877-904-7387).

Donation is fast and easy, just follow these steps

We accept all types of vehicles:

We accept all types of vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, trailers, campers and more!

How it Works

1. Call us at 877-904-PETS (877-904-7387)

2. We will tow your vehicle at no cost to you!

3. Get a donation receipt and help our cause.

Making a Car Donation is EASY!

It's as easy as filling out the online vehicle donation form or picking up a phone and speaking to a live Donor Support Representatives.

If you have any questions just call one of our friendly Donor Support Representatives toll-free at 877-904-PETS (877-904-7387) seven days a week.

Online Vehicle Donation Form